i show my   scars   so that others know they can heal.

an independent, private, mutuals only blog for kikuchi izumi, ㅤa multi-fandom original character written by wrench. they/them. 26. est.ㅤincludes fandoms like ㅤanimanga , ㅤjdramas, ㅤvideo games , and more ! a study in surviving the impossible, breaking away from abusive enviornments, & discovering yourself.est. january 2023.


code of conduct

ㅤPLEASE READ! :ㅤ This OC suffers from hypersexuality, this DOES NOT MEAN that they have a high sex drive. This term is used for those who have suffered from trauma (in this instance, Izumi has trauma from CSA + sex addiction). You can look it up to do research yourself, but it is a condition that involves uncontrollable sexual thoughts, urges, or behaviors that cause distress or harm to a person's life. I have had issues in the past with people assuming things of MY character and making “jokes” about their trauma + hypersexuality (ex. calling them a whore in other threads, people making comments that involve “slut” shaming, etc. ). I will block anyone who makes such comments, unless we have clearly talked about it. As someone who suffers from the same diagnosis, I will not tolerate these comments any longer.

INTRODUCTION :hello!! my name is wrench & you can find my other accounts ( twt + multimuse ). i am 26, go by they/them, white/native, and am in the EST. i am a full-time college student who majors in english, so activity can be slow at times, so all i ask is that you're patient when it comes to replies, please. as a side note, i have a lot of things i deal with irl, so sometimes i can be gone from weeks to a month. rp is just a hobby for me.SELECTIVITY : ㅤi'm too tired to sugarcoat things; i'm selective over who i follow and take priority over friends and my own mental health. i won't follow people who involve themselves deeply in discourse or drama either. i also will unfollow after a week if there's no follow-back, simply because i feel a bit more comfortable that way. i really don't care whether you use animanga or irl fcs, i'll still rp with you, as izumi has a fc for both. i don't follow back blue checkmarks on twt.REPLIES :i repeat, i am a full-time college student and focus on my studies a lot. that means that replies will be SLOW. under no circumstances are you to pester me over replies every day or every other day, even when i am on holiday. i will give you patience if you give me patience, and bumping a thread in dms every other week is totally okay. sometimes i just cannot focus on certain threads.ㅤof course, for tumblr asks, you're allowed to ask if i got anything every time you do send smth in.SHIPPING :ㅤnot big into shipping at the moment, especially for izumi. my writing partners have to understand that being involved with izumi requires HIGH CHEMISTRY in order for it to work out, and even then it may stay as a fwb situation depending on how the muse is with izumi. they suffer from c-ptsd, hypersexuality, and is a victim of CSA. romance =/= sexual desire + flirting. please do not assume izumi is in love with your character if they flirt, and please do not assume that they have fallen for your character unless we have planned for it. smut is strictly for people over the age of 18, both mun and muse! this account is also multiship, but i'm not here to collect one certain type of muse and will practice exclusives / mains. i encourage oc x canon, oc x oc, and canon x canon. i will also be practicing exclusives to those who connect well with my oc.ADULT CONTENT :ㅤthis account will have adult content.ㅤit happens, especially since i am in my twenties and i enjoy adult themes.ㅤobviously, that means that this account is 18+ and MDNI. nsfw smut goes in dms, a private post, or on a private alt, absolutely nowhere else, don't ask.ㅤi am willing to do fade to black scenarios.ㅤ stemming from that, izumi is a sex worker and it WILL be brought up a lot in threads.MUN ≠ MUSE :ㅤthis shouldn’t have to be said but because it’s been an issue in the past (& an annoying one at that), the way i interact with you in character does not mean anything out of character. if my muse is mean, it DOES NOT MEAN i hate you. however, if i find that you are purposely making your muse nasty towards me due to ooc conflict, i will block you. i will not tolerate petty, possessive, jealous behavior from writing partners and those who act petty because i am writing with a mutual writing partner.

FIGHTING RPS :i am not good with fight rp. please, if our muses butt heads a lot and you want a fight rp, we will need to explicitly talk things out, unless you are fine with whatever. but please, for the sake of things going smoothly, i would like to at least discuss who wins the fight and what happens ahead of it. it just makes things run a lot smoother and i don't want to be surprised.BLOCKING : ㅤi have the right to block, unfriend, and no longer interact with people who have either made me uncomfortable or worried for my safety. if you continue to invade my boundaries after i have issued a warning, you. are. gone.ㅤi also have no time for friendships being forced upon me. refollowing after i have softblocked you results in an automatic hardblock.MATURITY : ㅤcontinuing from the above rule, if i have done something to upset you / make you uncomfortable, i expect you to be mature and tell me straight away.ㅤi am not a mind reader and i am not in the mood for people to tell me one thing and say something entirely different behind my back to others.ㅤi expect honesty, maturity, and rationality.ㅤcontinuing to act this way results in a hardblock, ESPECIALLY if i find out that you had an issue with me but decided not to tell me.ㅤif you refuse to communicate with me and instead make excuses as to why you won't communicate, i will softblock you.ㅤcommunication is a huge part of being a writing partner with me, and if you decide you'd rather not communicate with me about things, please do us both a favor and don't follow.DO NOT INTERACT : ㅤbasic dni criteria like; _phobic, racist, into incest / beastality / minor+adult ships, or even calling yourself a "rape fetishist". i don't care what your excuse is, these are personal triggers of mine. don't interact if you racebend (ex. korean oc with japanese face claim) or genderbend. do not interact if you are friends with cult of nite or bunny / unicorn / tam (celestieu / starsmithed@tumblr); bunny has been known to stalk my blogs, and has a history of being racist and hypersexualizing his poc ocs. also, if i have you blocked on one platform, don't follow me on the other.CLARIFYING THINGS : ㅤ i won't tolerate forced shipping, bombardments for replies ic or ooc, or those who refuse to communicate when it is needed. i also will not tolerate people getting weirdly obsessive, jealous, or petty about me writing with a mutual ship partner. i have very strict boundaries and i will enforce them if i feel uncomfortable. as a side note, stemming from basic dni criteria, don't follow me if you consider yourself "proship / problematic / anti-anti" or even an anti, and don't bother trying to pick a fight with me on either because i will just block you. i don't care what your excuse is, certain topics are extremely triggering for me and i'd rather not be guilt tripped for finding things, fictionalized or not, like the above stated in my DNI uncomfortable. this also applies to following me from another blog or having a friend do so; this is BLOCK EVADING and i will call out the behavior.


ㅤ Confront them with annihilation,ㅤ& they will then ㅤsurviveㅤ ;ㅤplunge them into a deadly situation,ㅤ& they will then ㅤliveㅤ.ㅤWhen people fall into danger,ㅤthey are then able to ㅤstrive for victoryㅤ.

name.ㅤ ㅤizumi kikuchi | 菊池 泉
age.ㅤ ㅤtwenty-six (VERSE DEPENDENT)
gender.ㅤ ㅤtransmasc nonbinary
pronouns.ㅤ ㅤhe / they
orientation.ㅤ ㅤqueer
nationality.ㅤ ㅤjapanese
face claim.ㅤSatsuki Nakayama(irl) | Kanata Shirai (AniManga)

occupation.ㅤ ㅤex-model, currently full-time university student
medical conditions.ㅤ ㅤc-ptsd, severe depression, hypersexuality
parents.ㅤ ㅤRiku Kikuchi, Himari Yamazaki
siblings.ㅤ ㅤChikao (1st eldest), Hideo (2nd eldest)
pets.ㅤ ㅤPrincess (white cat)

Born to aspiring psychiatrist ㅤRiku Kikuchiㅤ and famous actress ㅤHimari Yamazakiㅤ, Izumi was the third-born child to the famous couple. However, even as the family was shown to be caring and kind to the public, behind closed doors revealed just how dysfunctional, corrupt, and distant the family truly was. Izumi grew up being forced to conform to what their parents deemed “normal” and “appropriate”, this was showcased in how they talked, how they presented themself, and who would eventually be their friend. Any and everything was controlled by their parents, so much so that their own mother became their talent agent as soon as they got a modelling gig as a child. Their mother forced them to do things that no child should have to do, all for the sake of getting better contracts and more money. No child should have to live like that, but Izumi thought of it as normal and was none the wiser . . . that is, until, they realized it wasn't.—— Fast-forward to the beginning of adulthood at the age of eighteen. Izumi wants a way out, needs to find a way out of the claws of parents they had assumed all their life were trying to protect them from harm and being preyed upon. The answer comes quickly, mind you, during a dinner with the family. Silence, deadly and suffocating, save for the small conversation of their eldest brother graduating from university — there's their freedom, their way out, and they casually mention it to dear old dad who has had a bit too much to drink and their mother too busy to figure out what exactly is happening until it's too late. Mother is mad, frustrated, that her only - - - is planning on throwing away the very thing she herself has built for them. And so, after countless arguments and fights, the bet is made;ㅤif Izumi can manage to live on their own for four to six years — plenty of time for them to graduate — they do not have to go back as a model.How hard could that possibly be..?ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤCOLLEGE LIFE BEGINSㅤ
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤtrigger warning //ㅤsex addictionㅤ
Life is good with freedom, life is good when they can experiment with new clothes because dear father can't fathom the idea of not giving them just a little bit of spending money, even if it somewhat breaks the rules of the bet (ㅤthough they both agree to not tell mother, who is blissfully unawareㅤ), and life is especially good once they realize that they can live without their family marionetting behind the scenes. Izumi meets new people, creates a friend group, and visits the city during the weekends with friends for drinks, games, and fun (ㅤbut more than anything, it's for the fun.ㅤ) They get in way over their head, however, when the friends they made along the way introduce them Osaka's Red Light district.ADDICTION TAKES HOLD OF IZUMI'S LIFE.How were they to know that the world's dirtiest of pleasures could take hold of them so easily? How were they to know that their friends were just using them? Izumi's naivety blossoms and shows itself in the form of how they become addicted to the simplest of things, such as drinking and having the company of hosts and hostesses by their side after years of complete and utter loneliness. Their natural charm attracts many and eventually they're given an offer (ㅤone that can break them free of their mother and father's financial hold on themㅤ), one that they accept while drunk from sweet liquor and a pretty girl urging them to agree.The money is good, even if it's dirty — even if they feel dirty — and the rooms are always dim enough to where no one can see them clearly (but why does it feel so horrifying? why do they get the strange sense that they've been here before?) When there are videos, they're grainy enough and obscures their face. No one is none the wiser and no one questions when they stop going to bars with friends during the weekend. No one questions how they're getting the money to afford things that they need. Their father praises them for getting a proper job, not even realizing what it is that they do. Their mother is angry because she knows that they are winning the bet. It tastes like freedom but it isn't exactly what they had hoped for.Life goes on, even in its own fucked up way. Despite it all, despite all the flaws, they continue their studies and their “job” (ㅤif you can even call it a jobㅤ), and they somehow manage to live through the embarrassment and fear of being found out. But the addiction, added with their undiagnosed PTSD and depression, adds up towards the end. Three years of university and suddenly Izumi doesn't know if they should give up or not. On top of their job and college, they seek out help in secret and try to make sense of who they want to be.Even with Izumi trying to push away from their family and grow, things don't always go as planned ... especially when their mother announces that their little sister somehow managed to get a contract from a modeling agency.


ㅤMAIN VERSE (FANDOMLESS) :ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ CAN YOU TEACH ME HOW TO FEEL REAL ? ㅤ ——— ㅤ Set shortly after Izumi gets diagnosed with C-PTSD. Struggling and trying to cope with their mental health, Izumi begins to realize that they need to take the reigns of their life away from their family for good if they want to recover from the horrors that their mother, and subsequently their father as well, forced them to experience at a young age. The escort begins to slowly break away from their family's grasp in hopes of finally living a somewhat normal life, but as a former childhood model, it's hard to get away from those who seek to force them back into the life of fame. Of course, plans don't go as planned, not when an unexpected baby sister is revealed and following in their footsteps.MY HERO ACADEMIA :ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ UNITED IN GRIEF ㅤ ——— ㅤ A human lie-detector, what more could anyone ever want out of life? Unfortunately, for someone like Izumi, their quirk is more of a curse than a blessing. After an incident involving two men, one of which was an older Pro-Hero, within the entertainment industry, Izumi has grown to avoid the temptation of dazzling lights and flashing cameras. For further details, check here.HONKAI: STAR RAIL :ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ TAKE MY HEART AND PULL IT APART ㅤ ——— ㅤ A smiling face, a glimmer in their eyes, but a facade nonetheless. Izumi has learned to a truth from a lie when it comes to working for the biggest lie within the stars, but even after years of living in comfort, their dark past seems to always coil itself around them, ready to squeeze out the remainder of light they have left. For further details, check here.YAKUZAㅤ/ㅤJUDGEMENT :ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ THE ESSENCE OF CHRYSANTHEMUMS ㅤ ——— ㅤ Who knew that the patriarch of the Kikuchi family was in kahoots with the yakuza, with his sons quickly following suit? Izumi lives in the dark when it comes to anything involving their father and eldest brothers up until an attempted kidnapping for ransom leads them smack dab in the middle of it. Now they have to live with the fact that their family ties in with Japan's mafia.WINDBREAKER :ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ FEEL GOOD INC. ㅤ ——— ㅤ Set after Izumi runs away from home at the age of eighteen, the moment they graduate from school and begin to live on their own. They live somewhere relatively close to the in-between of Furin and Shishitoren's territories, but usually spends their nights close to the red light district as an escort. They live right above a bakery that is owned by an elderly couple, who in turn have tried their best to provide for Izumi despite not knowing the reasoning behind them running away from home.TOKYO REVENGERS :ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ DANCE IN THE DARK, PARTY WITH YOUR FEARS ㅤ ——— ㅤ SPOILERS FOR TOKYO REVENGERS!ㅤEverything is not what it seems. The pretty golden cage that Izumi has lived inside for most of their life is starting to reveal itself as what it really is – a prison meant to keep the youngest of three from disobeying a mother who gives them up to older men at night ... and eventually become the monsters underneath their bed. Things change when they're sent into the heart of Tokyo to attend a private academy, only to get swept up into the delinquent gang that occupies the city. For further details, check here.ALICE IN BORDERLAND ( V. 01 ) :ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ & DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE THEY WENT ㅤ ——— ㅤ One of the many players that has a visa in the Borderland and lives at the Beach as an Executive. Many suspect that they won a higher level card game their first day of arrival, but others think Hatter simply promoted them after sleeping with him. A mysterious person, Izumi keeps to themself and is mainly around as a peacekeeper, but is mainly an Idealist; their outfit consists of just a t-shirt and swimming trunks, though they refuse to wear it outside of the Beach and wears something entirely different for games. For game types, they previously specialized in Hearts ( ♥️ ), but later began to specialize in Club ( ♣️ ) during the Face Card games. Izumi witnessed the fireworks on their way to meet their mother, as they were preparing to give up and let her win the bet that they had made.ALICE IN BORDERLAND ( V. 02 ) :ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ IN AN UPSIDE DOWN WORLD, I'D BE SMILING ㅤ ——— ㅤ SPOILERS FOR S2 OF AIB! A version in which Izumi accepts citizenship to the Borderland after figuring that they would not be missed in the real world. This could be either during the prior immigration period, or while in the current immigration period. If during the prior immigration period, Izumi ends up a citizen and infiltrates the Beach along with a few other citizens under the guise of a player. As the King of Hearts, their game consists ofㅤKemps, which would be easy if it weren't for the fact that they're also playing along aside the other players, so others would have to either betray their partner or trust them.ALICE IN BORDERLAND ( V. 03 ) :ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ I'M COMING HOME & I'VE GOT THINGS TO SAY ㅤ ——— ㅤ SPOILERS FOR S2 OF AIB!ㅤWinning the King of Hearts and surviving the other Face Cards, Izumi has denied citizenship to the Borderland and returns to their former life, but has no recollection of their time from limbo. They've survived the meteoroid strike and is recovering in the hospital, but things don't feel right. People that they have not met before feel familiar yet distant, and their family has suffered the loss of their second eldest brother. With a new look on life, Izumi struggles to recover while they can feel their mother pulling on the once dormant strings that they were able to cut away.JUJUTSU KAISEN :ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ BETTER SIT BACK, TAKE A DEEP BREATH ㅤ ——— ㅤ A Shikigami user and a sort of FLOATER among the Jujutsu Sorcerer society, Izumi is known for their unique control over their fox-like Shikigami.ㅤ However, not everything is rainbows and sunshine ;ㅤas a child, when their curse was just manifesting, and right as they were being forced into the nightmare of their mother offering them to older men, their cursed energy was released and killed three of the men.ㅤ Confused and distraught over the murders, the young child shut down on themself and refused to eat or sleep.ㅤ Thanks to Jujutsu High, however, the murders were covered up, but only if their mother exchanged them for covering up the murders ... it became apparent that their mother never truly cared about them, especially on the car ride to Jujutsu High.ㅤ Their Shikigami became their protector over the years, but they also began to resent their own cursed energy for taking away their once normal life.ㅤ They are more of a neutral party between the fight of Geto and Jujutsu High, and tends to meddle in both of their affairs.VERSE TITLE EIGHT :ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ NOTE YOUR VERSE TIMELINE, AU STATUS, AVAILABILITY, ETC. HERE. ㅤ ——— ㅤ TBA

mains & exclusives

EXCLUSIVE means I am ONLY roleplaying with that person's character, while MAIN means that they take my priority in interactions with that person's character. SHIP means I am shipping with that person as well.


VERITVINCITexclusive + ship
——— ㅤ DR. RATIO.
MOONSMOURNINGexclusive + ship
——— ㅤ EMMA, BAJI, & AIMI.
KILLERHUBBYexclusive + ship
——— ㅤ MIRAGE.
RUINSKINexclusive + ship
——— ㅤ HATTER (AIB).


VERITVINCITexclusive + ship
——— ㅤ DR. RATIO.
SMITTENISMSexclusive + ship
JIROTEKIexclusive + ship